Hello Readers!

I’m back sharing some thoughts from a journey with God.

Last couple of weeks I have had the opportunity to pray and minister to a lot of people on conferences here in the Netherlands. During these moments I have become more aware of something very precious, a yielded heart to God.

​When we yield to the Holy Spirit within and upon us, we open our hearts and we surrender that He is Lord over our lives. It’s like putting myself aside for Him to be seen through me, making Him the one that is governing me. And when He becomes visible through me it is GLORIOUS! I would allow Holy Spirit to prophesy over people through me and flow like a river of grace touching the people I would pray for. I don’t need to do anything, because I allow Him to do it through me and the result is amazing!
It’s in the place of yielding where we put ourselves aside for Him to be seen through us that we begin to discover our union with Him. We are not just putting ourselves aside, but we are actually agreeing with the truth that we are truly one with Him and allow Christ to be the head instead of ourselves.Just like a marriage the two become one, but the husband is the head in their union. So is Christ also our head in our union with Him.So many times we christians want to do things by ourselves. We pray our own prayers, we organize and plan how the worship is gonna be in church and even in our quite times with the Lord we pray in a certain way expecting God to move like that. It’s like we try to control the Holy Spirit to move in the way we want Him to move. Some are still striving to get healed or get an experience of God by going through all these methods and we put faith into the methods and the teachings, but at the end I think the question we should ask is this:Is Jesus Christ Lord over our lives or am I myself still lord doing it my way?What if we would look at our Father in Heaven to see what He is doing right now? His ways are always higher than our ways, but did you know that they are also better. Even faster when healing is needed, because He knows exactly what needs to happen for us to receive a healing. Our own strive only slows down the process.Now, I am not the expert on this, but I’m learning and walking the journey with God as He teaches and shows me His ways. We are made to be led by the Spirit, living from the inside-out and we make Him Lord by yielding. Through yielding we actually tell God to do it His way through us where Christ is the head over His body.
Did you know that Jesus was fully yielded to the Father? He said that He did nothing except what He saw His Father do and He said nothing except what He heard His Father say. This was through the relationship and intimacy with His Father and yielding to Him to make Him known on the face of the earth.  Jesus is our example and if He was yielding to the Father from that place of intimacy and relationship then we can learn from that as well.It is IN our relationship with God that we can begin to yield to His ways and not the other way around. If we first yield to His ways to be able to walk in a relationship with God, it kind a looks like the law doesn’t it? The old covenant people trying to obey the law that they would be righteous enough to be with God, but thank God for grace! Oh how sweet and delicious Gods grace is! Because of grace I AM in a relationship with God and I cannot add anything to the finished work of the cross by my own works. Its all grace and through His grace I allow Christ to live and express His life through me. Yielding to Him and His ways not to be in right standing with Him, but for His abundant life to be fully expressed in me for I am already in right standing with Him through His blood. There is no striving, only resting in who I am in Him and allowing Him to be seen through me as I yield.

There’s much more to this, but why don’t you ask Holy Spirit Himself about yielding? He is our teacher and wants to show us His ways! I believe yielding is the way of holiness when living under grace instead of the law.

Be blessed guys!

Proverbs 16:9 (AMP)
A man’s mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure.