So I’ve been kinda getting stuck on this thing that the heart creates. After my last blog about the “praying mantis” I really felt there was something about the heart that creates our reality. I’ve been chewing on it last couple of months and still am.
So here is a bit from my journey of some of the things I have begun to understand.Your heart really creates your reality. Yes, that’s right. Your heart is continually reframing the world around you based on what you carry inside. Your world or reality is framed by what your heart carries.

“Let it be done according to thy faith”

Whatever you believe in your heart you will attract, it will be framed into your reality. For example, if you grew up with believing that you are not loveable, your heart will continue to frame that into your reality even projecting that on other people that they never love you. Or if you believe in your heart that you are rejected, your heart will begin to frame that believe into being. It will project on other people that they don’t like you whether that is the truth or not.
It’s the inner reality that becomes the outer reality. Even in the Bible is written:

“As a man thinks in his heart so he is”

So on earth we have all these people creating a different reality from their heart framing this society and culture. Some realities are really bad where people believe they should hurt each other or believe they are always being hurt.
Now those things may be the negative side of the heart creating the reality that we live in, but there is something beautiful and glorious about the heart creating our reality when we walk with Papa God.

Where is the place that God chose to live in?

It says “Christ dwells by faith in our hearts”. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit. God chose to come and live in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. Now why would God choose to live in our hearts and not somewhere else? It’s because He knows that if the heart is changed, our reality will be changed too and the world can become a better place. So He makes His home in your heart and it becomes the place where we can begin to meet with God and have fellowship with Him. And as He speaks to us in our hearts and we embrace His words they begin to frame a different reality around us flowing directly from His heart.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by The Word of God, Jesus Christ. The living Word is now living within you. And as You receive and embrace His Words as He speaks to you in your heart your inner reality changes and your outer reality is being reframed. You are transformed by the renewing of your mind. Whatever your heart embraces will be framed into your reality.
True intimacy with God realigns your heart with His heart as He shares His heart with you.

It’s the heart-to-heart connection with Papa God that truly brings good change in our lives. 

Papa God always holds us in His heart loving us continually. We are hidden with Christ in the Father, right in the center of His heart, always being loved by Him. You truly are His beloved child. And as you are hidden in Papa’s heart, so He desires to live in your heart.

It is in the way of love through this heart-to-heart connection with Him that your reality is truly being changed as you allow His words to take root in your heart.
It is His love that connects your heart with His’ and we become co-creators of a better world birthing His heart on the earth.
First of all to make our life better, but also in the bigger picture to make the world a better place.

Intimacy with Papa God truly makes the world a better place as His heart is being revealed through you!

So let’s allow God to speak to our hearts. And as we receiving from His heart allowing God to reveal His heart through us framing and creating His reality and promises into the world.

As we embrace The Word of God, His thoughts become our words and His words create worlds.

Being co-creators birthed out of intimacy and revealing His heart to the World.